
International activities

Conference at George Washington University Washington, USA
Lukmanova Marina Borisovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management, Ph.D. in Economics, made a presentation in English on “Does Social Capital Affect Demandfor Government Regulationin Kazakhstan” at a world-class scientific conference, CESS 2019 AnnualConference, held at George Washington University in Washington , USA October 10-13, 2019. This conference is organized by the Central Eurasian Studies Societyhttps: //www.centraleurasia.org/ and is designed to facilitate communication and interaction between scientists and, thereby, promote high standards and training in Central Eurasia; to develop cooperation between individuals and organizations involved in research. 380 speakers from around the world specializing in the study of Central Asia spoke at the conference.
To receive an invitation to speak at the CESS 2019 Annual Conference, it is necessary to conduct serious scientific research and obtain results that are significant for science. Having examined the application Lukmanova MB for participation, the scientific committee of the conference considered the results of its research worthy of this. Being a scientific internship in the United States, Marina Borisovna participated in such conferences in 2012 and 2013, so she was able to adequately present her research.

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