G-global Team of Rudny Industrial Institute
G-global Team of Rudny Industrial Institute is formed to promote and advance, an international G-global project implemented on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbaev N.A.
Challenges of G-global Team of Rudny Industrial Institute are to:
– involve young researchers into events and activities organized within G-global communication platform;
– assist top-management of the Institute in conducting online conferences within G-global communication platform with participation of well-known domestic and foreign scientists, public and political figures, etc.;
– present research results of young scientists and students within G-global communication platform;
– promote young scientists of the Institute in publishing of their research results on the official «G-global» website and their further discussion;
– promote ideas of G-global communication platform among students;
– promote participation of students of the Institute in discussions conducted within G-global communication platform;
– encourage students to participate in online debates on current topics in the field of social-economic development of Kazakhstan and the global economy;
– promote young scientists in establishing and expanding international relations in the field of scientific cooperation;
– promote ideas G-global through the website of Rudny Industrial Institute;
– extend information on G-global activities through mass media.
G-global Team of Rudny Industrial Institute is created by the order of the Rector. The list of its members is reviewed each year.
Most significant events organized by G-global Team are:
- International research-practical conference for young scientists and students «Evaluating the effectiveness of state regulation mechanisms aimed at integrated development of industrial towns in Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus» (June 2015). Attendees were represented by young scientists from Kazakhstan, Italy, Russia and Armenia.
- International research-practical conference «Areas of development of industrial and innovative economy in EAEU countries». The conference addressed prior areas of innovative development of economy in EAEU countries (April 2016).
- International research-practical conference for young scientists, students and pupils, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, «Youth in the system of innovative development of modern science» (June 2016). Attendees were represented by young scientists from Kazakhstan and Armenia.
Young researchers of Rudny Industrial Institute participate actively in events organized by other higher education institutions within G-global communication platform.
Lecturer of Department of Construction and Building Materials, master of Technical Sciences, vice-chairman of the Council of Young Scientists
Email: dan4ik1511@mail.ru
Khabdullin Asset
Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Information Systems, PhD
Email: aset85@mail.ru
Team Member

Liliya Gabdullina
Head of the Office of Science, International Relations and Quality Management
Email: liliya_gabdullin@mail.ru
Darkhan Akhmetov
Acting Head of Department of Economics and Management, PhD
Email: darhanserik@mail.ru