
Research activities

At the Department of AISaS there are 3 topics on the cathedral theme

Topic «Improving the efficiency of mining enterprises»

Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor Zarubin M.Y./p>

Performers: Associate professor of the department, Doctor Ph.D. Statsenko L.G., master, art. teacher Shtykova I.V., master, art. teacher Khasanova S.B. and master, teacher Ybytaeva G.S.

Main achievements:

Published under the general supervision of Zarubin M.Y. collective monograph «Development of an adaptive self-learning system for automatic control of equipment of mining and processing production for optimization of processes in conditions of instability of input parameters», authors: Zarubin M.Y., Zarubina V. R., Fedosov B.T., Kuznetsova A.N., Shtykova I.V., Branovets N.E. ISBN 978-601-75-54-92-7

The following publications were prepared as a result of the study:

1) Zarubin M.Y., Zarubina V.R. «3D-quarry: Digital technologies as a factor of reducing the impact of quarries on the environment» was transferred in May 2019 to the scientific journal «News of KSTU named after Academician Z. Aldamzhar»;

2) Zarubin M.Y., Zarubina V.R. «Digital Kazakhstan: The strategy of promoting the cloud system «3D-quarry» was transferred in February to the scientific journal «News of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan»;

3) Statsenko, L. , Gorod, A. Ireland, V.A complex adaptive systems governance framework for regional supply networks. – Supply Chain Management Volume 23, Issue 4, 11 June 2018, page 293-312;

4) Zarubina V. R., Zarubin M. Y «Methods for assessing economic indicators of the implementation of digital solutions» was transferred in May 2019 to the scientific journal «News of the KSTU named after Academician Z. Aldamzhar.»

– – in the reports of the jubilee republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, masters, students and students «Native land-base of undertakings of generation of young» (11-12 April 2019), Rudny

1) Tishchenko D., group IS-17, «Prospects of additive systems», head of Ph.D., associate professor, Zarubin M. Y.

Following the results of the first stage (inter-university) of the Republican competition of research works of students (Order No. 79 of 01.04.2019)

– in the section «Technical sciences», specialty 5B070300 «Information systems»

2nd place – diploma of the II degree:

Zhumagaliev N.S., Makretsky A.V., Nikitas D.V., students of the group IS-16, research work on the topic «Development of the cloud system «3D-quarry»», supervisor of the Ph.D. Zarubin M.Y.;

2nd place – diploma of the II degree:

Mukhamedzhanova Z.B., student of group IS-17, research work on the topic «Hydroponic farm», scientific leader of the technical sciences Zarubin M. Y.

3rd place – diploma III degree:

Zhumabai D.M., Kasymova Z.A., students of the group IS-16kd, research work on the topic «Қонақ үй вебөсайтын әзірлеу», supervisor of Ph.D. Zarubin M. Y.

– in the section «Technical sciences», specialty 5B073100 “Safety of life and protection of the environment”

1 place – diploma of the I degree:

Minaev K.V., Bikhert K.S., students of the group IS-16, research work on the topic «3D-quarry: Digital technologies as a factor of reducing the impact of quarries on the environment», supervisor of the Ph.D. Zarubin M. Y.

Minaev K.V., Bikhert K.S., students of the group IS-16, research work on the topic «3D-quarry: Digital technologies as a factor of reducing the impact of quarries on the environment», supervisor of the Ph.D. Zarubin M. Y.

– Prospects of creation of an intellectual career on the basis of modern it-solutions, speaker of technical sciences, associate professor Zarubin M.Y., date of carrying out 05.03.2019

Topic «New information technologies in educational process»

Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor Bayuk O.V.

Performers: Master, teacher Escozhina A.T., master, art. teacher Shinkevich T.A.

Main achievements:

Training manuals and monographs recommended for use in the training process on the specialty «Information systems», «Automation and management» were developed and published:

– Zarubin M.Y., Ybytaeva G.S. «Cryptographic systems». – Publisher «Бастау», Almaty. – 2019. – p. 304

– Zarubin M.Y., Bayuk O.V., Escozhina A.T. «Intellectual life support systems». – Publisher «Бастау», Almaty. – 2019. – p. 384

Articles published:

– in the international foreign magazine (VAK):

– in the international foreign magazine (VAK):

– in the works of the international youth scientific and practical conference «Contribution of youth potential to modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0» (November 22, 2018, RII) published works:

  1. 1. Bayuk O.V., Lorentz D.V. Application of blockchain – technologies in various spheres of life // Collection of reports of the international youth-scientific-practical conference «Contribution of youth potential to modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0», 2018 – p. 546-551
  2. 2. Ybytaeva G.S., Abutalip N.B. Collection of reports of the international youth scientific and practical conference «Contribution of youth potential to modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0», 2018 – p. 706-711

– in the reports of the jubilee republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, masters, students and students «Native land-base of undertakings of generation of young» (11-12 April 2019), Rudny

1) Kasymova Z., group IS-16kd Plenary session of the RII, head of the master of Khasanov S.B.;

2) 2) Mukhametzhanova Z., group IS-17, “Digitalization of education, hopes and risks”, head of the master Shtykov I.V.;

3) Stonogin V., group AC-17, “Technologies” Smart cities and forecasts of their development, head of Ph.D. Bayuk O.V.;

4) 4) Egemberdiev A., group IS-16kd, “Security of the network”, head Khasanov S.B.;

5) Kening A., group LS-16, “choice and substantiation of technological scheme of reduction of dust-gas emissions by means of bag filter at grinding cement”, head of master Shtykova I.V.;

6) Kaiyrgalikyzy A., group IS-15, “Automated systems for holding conferences”, the head of the master Shtykov I.V.;

7) Sakybai M.E., group IS-16kd, «Қашықтықтан оқыту технологиясы бойынша білім берудің даму болашағы», head of the master of Ybytaeva G.S.;

8) 8) Zhangazy E.K., group AC-17kd, «Қоғамдық көлікті цифрландыру», head of the master of the master Escozhina A.T.

9) 9) Orynbasar E.A., Abdugapparov S.I., group AС-17kd, «Зияткерлік өлшеу құралдар», the head of the master of Eskozhina A.T.

Two scientific circles are organized and operate:

– Robotics and Programming, Head of Technical Sciences Zarubin M.Y.;

– Industrial ecology, head of Toretav M.O.

Following the results of the competitions “Best Research Institute” (among young scientists), “Best Research Institute” (leaders of young scientists) (Order No. 313 of 05.12.2018)

In the competition «Лучшая НИРС» (leaders of young scientists) in the direction “Technical sciences”

1 place – student of the group. Au-17ko Zholdasbek N.S., the theme «Ақылды үй жүйесінің концепциясы», the scientific leader of Escozhin A.T.

06.11.2018, an open lesson was held on the discipline «Бағдарламалау технологиясы», the topic of the lesson – Files, teacher Yesozhin A.T.

Participation in the training seminar “specialized accreditation of educational programs of higher educational institutions” Shtykova I.V., February 26, 2019, received a certificate.

The following teachers of Escozhina A.T., Ybytaeva G.S., Toretaev M., M.Y. passed training at the advanced training courses “Safety and labor protection” Zarubin, I.V. Shtykova, S.B. Khasanova, the result is a certificate.

They took an active part in the VIII city scientific competitions of schoolchildren of the RE «Рудненский городской отдел образования. Акимата города Рудного» the following PTS of the department:

– senior lecturer, master of Khasanova S.B.;

– senior lecturer, master Shtykova I.V.

Topic “Environmental and industrial safety of mining complexes of the northern region of Kazakhstan”

Scientific supervisor: Master Toretaev M.U.

Performers: Ph.D., professor Obukhova O.N.

The following students have been studied and published on this topic:

1) Toretaev M.U., Batyrbay B.ZH. Ұлттық нақыштағы киімдердін заманауи үлгісі //Collection of reports of the international youth scientific and practical conference “Contribution of youth potential to modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0”, 2018 – p. 120-125

  2) Obukhova O.N., Obukhov S.A. On the issue of secondary use of resources to improve ecological safety of the region and reduce expenses of the enterprise // Materials of the 7th international scientific and practical conference devoted to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Science, Professor S.M. Shikleeva and Doctor of Sciences, Professor, corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR M.V. Sergievsky // Biological local history: World, Russian and regional problems. – Samara, November 16, 2018 S.124-128

3) S.A. Obukhov, O.N. Obukhova. Environmental security issues in the second use of resources from the PWP/ Collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference. Part 3: – Perm, May 4, 2019

– in the reports of the jubilee republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, masters, students and students “Native land-base of undertakings of generation of young” (11-12 April 2019), Rudny

1) Kaldybaeva A.A., group is-16kd, ” Тобыл өзенінің гтдрохимиялық және токсикологиялық сипаттамасы”, the head of the master Toretaev M.U.

According to the results of the contest “Best Scientific Article” (among young scientists) (Order No. 69 of 14.03.2019)

– in the direction of “Technical sciences”

2 place – Toretaev M.U., teacher of the Department of Automation, Information Systems and Security, Master.

Following the results of the first stage (inter-university) of the Republican competition of research works of students (Order No. 79 of 01.04.2019)

– in the section “Technical sciences”, specialty 5B073100 “Safety of life and protection of the environment”

3rd place – diploma of III degree:

Muldasheva A.B., student of the TDLIP-17кd group, research work on the topic “Research of the conditions for the generation of ferrat ions in the anode dissolution of an iron chip”, scientific leader of the master Toretaev M.U.

On this topic, the following students conducted research in the performance of diploma works:

– Valiyev Zh.E. on the topic: “Research of problems of industrial injuries on the example of MW JSC “SSGPO”, (head Toretaev M.O.)

– Kemisinov Zh. Optimization of working conditions of passing works on materials Of Mine youth TNC “Kazkhrom” Donskoy MCC “(head Toretaev M.O.)

Students of Kenig Alexandra, Shova Vladislav, Kaldybaev Aijan, Koyshybai Miras conducted work on the study of environmental risks in the work of industrial enterprises (head of Toretaev M.O., Pichugin V.S.).

He took an active part in the VIII city scientific competitions of schoolchildren of the RE ” Рудненский городской отдел образования. Акимата города Рудного”senior lecturer, master Toretaev M.U.

In the academic year 2019-2020 work continues.

The faculty of the department took part on October 17-18, 2019 in the International Scientific and practical Conference “Modern Innovations in Science, Technology and Knowledge Integration” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of RII.

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